At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Guarded Definition Medical. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Guarding | definition of guarding by Medical dictionary
    guarding: ( gard'ing ), A spasm of muscles to minimize motion or agitation of sites affected by injury or disease.

What is “Guarded Condition” Anyway? - CHEST
    The reader will notice that there is no designation for “guarded condition” and no explanation of the meaning of the terms, indicators are “excellent,” “favorable,” …

Guarded | definition of guarded by Medical dictionary
    Thomas begins his question on the guardianship of good angels by considering on rational grounds whether men are in fact guarded by angels.

Guarded prognosis | definition of guarded prognosis by …
    guarded prognosis: A prognosis given by a physician when the outcome of a patient's illness is in doubt.

Guarded - definition of guarded by The Free Dictionary
    guarded: adjective alert , attentive , awake , aware , cautious , cautus , chary , circumspect , defended , discreet , fenced, heedful , in custody , noncommittal ...

What Is a Guarded Prognosis? -
    A Guarded Prognosis. When a patient has a guarded prognosis, he or she has an acute illness. They have a questionable outlook. The chances for improvement …

What hospitals mean when they list a patient's condition …
    Stroke victims are usually reported in guarded or serious condition for the first 24 hours, she says. It's in the serious and critical range where definitions as well as …

What does it mean by guarded condition? – Sage-Answer
    A definition of the medical term “guarded prognosis” is presented. Guarded prognosis refers to a prognosis given by a physician when the outcome of a patient’s …

Guardedness - definition of guardedness by The Free …
    guard·ed (gär′dĭd) adj. 1. Protected; defended. 2. Watched over; supervised. 3. Cautious; restrained: We view these changes with guarded optimism. guard′ed·ly ...

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