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Hallux | definition of hallux by Medical dictionary
    hallux [hal´uks] (pl. hal´luces) (L.) the great toe. hallux doloro´sus a painful disease of the great toe, usually associated with flatfoot. hallux flex´us hallux rigidus. hallux mal´leus hammer toe affecting the great toe. hallux ri´gidus painful flexion deformity of the great …

Hallux Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    hallux: [noun] the innermost digit (such as the big toe) of a hind or lower limb.

Hallux valgus Definition & Meaning | Merriam-Webster …
    hallux val· gus-ˈval-gəs : an abnormal deviation of the big toe away from the midline of the body or toward the other toes of the foot that is associated especially with …

hallux - Medical Dictionary
    Dictionary results for hallux and medical related terminology. Medical Dictionary: A Medical Dictionary of Medical Terminology hallux Toe Injuries and Disorders. Fourteen …

Hallux dolorosus | definition of hallux dolorosus by …
    hallux dolorosus: [ hal´uks ] (pl. hal´luces ) ( L. ) the great toe. hallux doloro´sus a painful disease of the great toe, usually associated with flatfoot. hallux flex´us hallux rigidus . …

Hallux abductus | definition of hallux abductus by Medical …
    Looking for online definition of hallux abductus in the Medical Dictionary? hallux abductus explanation free. What is hallux abductus? Meaning of hallux abductus medical term.

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