At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Hang Nail Medical Term. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Hangnails: Causes, Treatment, Risks, & When to See a …
    Hangnails are very common and can be caused by several things. Many people exp…Hangnails can also be caused by trauma such as a paper cut or excessive finge…Some people, due to their occupations, are more likely to get hangnails including:•doctors See more

Hangnails: What They Are and How to Treat Them
    Hangnails are injuries to your nail bed, and like all injuries, hangnails can become infected. Infections near fingernails have a special name — paronychia — and they can be painful.

Hangnail - Wikipedia

    Nail terminology | DermNet
      Koilonychia. ©R Suhonen. Koilonychia is a thin, spoon-shaped nail, and can occur in normal children and adults. It is also associated with iron deficiency anaemia, diabetes, …

    Infected Hangnail: Causes, Treatment, and …
      A hangnail is a piece of skin near the root of the nail that appears jagged and torn. Hangnails …

    Hangnails | definition of Hangnails by Medical dictionary
      hangnail. (hăng′nāl′) n. A small piece of dead skin at the side or the base of a fingernail that is partly detached from the rest of the skin. The American Heritage® Medical …

    Why Are Hangnails So Painful? - MedicineNet
      Hangnails are a small piece of dead skin at the side or base of your fingernail, slightly detached from the skin. The leading causes of hangnail include: Dry …

    What Are You Lacking if You Have Hangnails?
      A hangnail, according to the American Academy of Dermatology, is a torn piece of skin at the edge of the nail. However, the term "hangnail" is misleading because …

    Nail Infection (Paronychia) - Cleveland Clinic
      Paronychia (nail infection) usually results from bacteria. Bacteria get into the skin through cuts in the cuticle and the nail fold (the skin around the nail). Most nail infections get …

    Hangnail Infection | Good Health
      Hangnail infection is a type of skin infection that affect the skin around the fingers i.e. at the hangnail. The medical term commonly applied to this infection is paronychia. …

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