At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Hirudo Medicalis. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Hirudo medicinalis - Wikipedia
    Hirudo medicinalis, the European medicinal leech, is one of several species of leeches used as "medicinal leeches". Other species of Hirudo sometimes also used as medicinal leeches include H. orientalis, H. troctina, and H. verbana. The Asian medicinal leech includes Hirudinaria manillensis, and the … See more

ADW: Hirudo medicinalis: INFORMATION - Animal Diversity Web
    H. medicinalis has several pairs of testes and one pair of ovaries as well as a thickening of the body ring, known as a clitellum, which is visible during the breeding season (Grzimek, 1974). Reproduction. H. …

Clinical uses of the medicinal leech: a practical review
    Hirudotherapy is most commonly used in the setting of venous congestion associated with soft tissue replantations and free flap-based reconstructive surgery. This is a …

Hirudo - Wikipedia

    Hirudo medicinalis - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
      Hirudo medicinalis may ingest an amount of blood almost 10 times its own weight; however, the therapeutic effect of leeches is not due to the volume of blood …

    Hirudo Medicinalis: The Medicinal Leech - My Animals
      Hirudo medicinalis is an invertebrate, part of the Annelida phylum family, and a species of leech. This is the species that has the most proven medical benefits. Hirudo medicinalis is a leech, and …

    Medical Leech Hirudo Medicinalis Needle-Size – Hirudo Verbana
      Medical Leech Hirudo Medicinalis Needle-Size – Hirudo Verbana Medical Leech Hirudo Medicinalis Needle-Size $7 Add to cart Make an Offer Medical Leech - Hirudo …

    Medicinal leech therapy (hirudotherapy): a brief overview
      Hirudotherapy is a treatment using medicinal leeches. Hirudo medicinali, have been used to treat patients for centuries. In the past, leeches have proved to be an effective …

    Medical Leeches - Hirudo Biofarm
      Hirudo Verbana Medicinalis – is the very first variety of leeches to be used in medicine & hirudotherapy in the history of the world is also known as the “Hungarian Leech” …

    Hirudo medicinalis - Wikipedia
      Hirudo medicinalis este o specie de lipitori întrebuințată în scopuri medicale. Aceasta se pune pe victimă și îi bea sângele ca orice altă lipitoare. Modul de viață este unul, de …

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