At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Hitlers Medical Conditions. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Health of Adolf Hitler - Wikipedia
    It has been alleged that Hitler had monorchism, the medical condition of having only one testicle.In 2008, a British newspaper reported that in 1916, a German doctor named Johan Jambor had encountered an injured Hitler during the Battle of the Somme. Jambor …

Adolf Hitler's medical care - PubMed
    For the last nine years of his life Adolf Hitler, a lifelong hypochondriac had as his physician Dr Theodor Morell. Hitler's mood swings, Parkinson's disease, gastro-intestinal …

Adolf Hitler Had A Pungent Medical Condition - MSN
    Adolf Hitler had a surprising medical condition that caused him to suffer from chronic flatulence. In addition to uncontrollable farting, Hitler apparently suffered from …

Adolf Hitler Had A Pungent Medical Condition -
    Hitler likely had arteriosclerotic heart disease and Parkinson's disease, according to Dr. Schenck. Also among Hitler's illnesses was "colitis, which probably represented the …

Nazi Medical Experiments | Holocaust Encyclopedia
    Nazi Medical Experiments During World War II, a number of German physicians conducted painful and often deadly experiments on thousands of prisoners without their …

New diagnosis explains Hitler's health problems - UPI
    The chronic disease inflames and reduces blood flow most often in temple arteries, causing severe headaches and visual impairment or even blindness. It also can …

    ''Hitler had three major illnesses,'' Schenck said, ''colitis, which probably represented the irritable bowel syndrome and included constipation and diarrhea, as well as two maladies …

The Truth About Hitler's Micropenis | Men's Health
    “Hitler himself is believed to have had two forms of genital abnormality: an undescended testicle and a rare condition called penile hypospadias in which the urethra opens on the …

This Video Exposes Hitler's Secret Illness - YouTube
    This propaganda footage, shot right before the fall of the Third Reich, was supposed to be destroyed. And for good reason - it reveals the medical condition ...

Adolf Hitler’s Tiny Penis: Medical Records Reveal Nazi Leader …
    Hitler’s medical woes didn’t end there. Records also showed Hitler had suffered from “right-side cryptorchidism,” or an undescended testicle. The examination that led to …

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