At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Homogeneous Medical Dictionary. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Homogeneous | definition of homogeneous by Medical …
    ho·mo·ge·ne·ous ( hō'mō-jē'nē-ŭs ), Do not confuse this word with homogenous. 1. Of uniform structure or composition throughout. 2. Consisting of a single phase. [homo- + G. genos, race] Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012 homogeneous adjective …

Homogenous | definition of homogenous by Medical …
    ho·mog·e·nous ( hō-moj'ĕ-nŭs ), Do not confuse this word with homogenous. Having a structural similarity because of descent from a common ancestor. Commonly confused …

Homogeneous Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    ho· mo· ge· neous ˌhō-mə-ˈjē-nē-əs -nyəs 1 : of the same or a similar kind or nature 2 : being the same throughout a culturally homogenous neighborhood homogeneity -jə-ˈnē …

Homogenous Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    homogenous adjective ho· mog· e· nous -nəs 1 : homoplastic sense 2 the value of preserved homogenous bone grafts as compared with autogenous grafts Plastic & Reconstructive …

Homogeneously | definition of homogeneously by …
    ho·mo·ge·ne·ous ( hō'mō-jē'nē-ŭs ), Do not confuse this word with homogenous. 1. Of uniform structure or composition throughout. 2. Consisting of a single phase. [homo- + G. …

Homogeneous Definition & Meaning |
    Something that is homogeneous is uniform in nature or character throughout. Homogeneous can also be used to describe multiple things that are all essentially alike or …

Homogeneous mixture | definition of Homogeneous …
    a combination of different drugs or ingredients, as a fluid with other fluids or solids, or of a solid with a liquid. Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine, …

Homogeneous - definition of homogeneous by The Free …
    1. composed of parts or elements that are all of the same kind; not heterogeneous: a homogeneous population. 2. of the same kind or nature; essentially alike. 3. Math. a. …

Homogeneous vs. Heterogeneous: What's The Difference?
    In homogeneous, homo- means “same.” In heterogeneous, hetero- means “different” or “other.” In general use, the word homogeneous can describe something …

Heterogeneous | definition of heterogeneous by Medical …
    heterogeneous. 1. consisting of or composed of dissimilar elements or ingredients; not having a uniform quality throughout. 2. in genetics, said of a trait that can be …

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