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Hypertonic | definition of hypertonic by Medical dictionary
    hy·per·ton·ic. ( hī'pĕr-ton'ik ), 1. Having a greater degree of tension. Synonym (s): spastic (1) 2. Having a greater osmotic pressure than a reference solution, which is ordinarily assumed to be blood plasma or interstitial fluid; more specifically, refers to a fluid in which …

Hypertonic Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    1. : exhibiting excessive tone or tension. a hypertonic baby. a hypertonic bladder. 2. : having a higher osmotic pressure than a surrounding medium or a fluid under …

Hypertonia | National Institute of Neurological Disorders …
    Hypertonia is a condition in which there is too much muscle tone. For instance, arms or legs are stiff and hard to move. Muscle tone is controlled by signals that …

What Is a Hypertonic Solution? - ThoughtCo
    Hypertonic refers to a solution with higher osmotic pressure than another solution. In other words, a …

Tonicity: hypertonic, isotonic & hypotonic …
    Three terms—hypertonic, hypotonic, and isotonic—are used to describe whether a solution will cause water to move into or out of a cell: If a cell is placed in a hypertonic solution, …

Hypertonic Fluids - StatPearls - NCBI …
    Hypertonic saline is a crystalloid intravenous fluid composed of NaCl dissolved in water with a higher sodium concentration than normal blood serum. Both …

Hypertonic - Definition and Examples | Biology Dictionary
    Hypertonic Definition In biology, hypertonic refers to muscles that are more toned, or have greater tension, than other muscles in a body or are more toned …

Hypertonic Solution: An Explanation for …
    Do you understand what “Hypertonic” means? defines it as: “A solution of higher osmotic pressure than another solution with which it is compared.” …

Hypertonic Solution - Definition and Examples | Biology …
    A hypertonic solution contains a higher concentration of solutes compared to another solution. The opposite solution with a lower concentration is known as the …

Hypertonia Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    hypertonia noun hy· per· to· nia ˌhī-pər-ˈtō-nē-ə : the condition of exhibiting excessive muscular tone or tension Example Sentences Recent Examples on the Web …

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