At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Icco Medical Romania. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

ICCO Medical
    ICCO Medical has a rich experience in the medical and special equipment market in Romania. The medical department is present in all major oncology centers in the country, …

Despre noi - ICCO Medical
    For marketed equipment and for service, ICCO Medical received all the necessary authorizations from the National Commission for Nuclear Activities Control. © Copyright …

Despre noi - ICCO Medical
    ICCO Medical este o companie cu o bogata experienta pe piata echipamentelor si serviciilor medicale din Romania. Este prezenta in toate marile centre de oncologie din tara …

Contact_em - ICCO Medical
    Contact_em - ICCO Medical Sediu principal Str. Scolii nr. 8, 500059 Brasov +40 268 401 229 +40 268 401 240 [email protected] – Departamentul Echipamente medicale Sediu …

Spitalul Clinicco
    Dr. med. Valentin Vulpe asigura consultatii de neurochirurgie si interventii cu ajutorul celor mai noi tehnici minim invazive. Paleta afectiunilor tratate la Clinicco cuprinde durerea …

ICCO Group – Clinicco Hospital
    ABOUT ICCO. Founded in 1990, the ICCO group has managed to develop, through its member companies, an extended set of skills that enables it to take on wide …

ICCO - Enjoy your business!
    Options, solutions, experience. By its activity, ICCO managed to attract to Romania investments with positive impact on the economy thus creating new jobs. The specialized …

ICCO - Enjoy your business!
    Fondat in 1990, ICCO este un grup de firme romanesti specializate in proiecte industriale complexe si servicii profesionale pentru dezvoltarea afacerii. ICCO Grup Tel: …

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