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Immersion | definition of immersion by Medical dictionary
    1. The placing of a body under water or other liquid. 2. microscopy filling the space between the objective lens and the top of the cover glass with a fluid, such as water or oil, to reduce spheric aberration and increase effective numeric aperture by elimination of …

Immersion Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    : the act of immersing or the state of being immersed: such as a : absorbing involvement immersion in politics b : instruction based on extensive exposure to surroundings or …

Immersion Definition & Meaning |
    noun an act or instance of immersing. state of being immersed. state of being deeply engaged or involved; absorption. baptism in which the whole body of the person is …

Immersion injury - PCH

    Immersion syndrome | definition of Immersion syndrome …
      immersion [ ĭ-mer´zhun] 1. the plunging of a body into a liquid. 2. the use of the microscope with the object and object glass both covered with a liquid. 3. a state of being deeply …

    Water immersion | definition of water immersion by …
      1. Placing a body under water or other liquid. 2. microscopy filling space between objective lens and top of cover glass with a fluid, such as water or oil, to reduce spheric aberration …

    Immersion foot Definition & Meaning | Merriam-Webster …
      : a painful condition of the feet marked by inflammation and stabbing pain and followed by discoloration, swelling, ulcers, and numbness due to prolonged exposure to …

    Immersive Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
      immersive adjective im· mer· sive i-ˈmər-siv -ziv : providing, involving, or characterized by deep absorption or immersion in something (such as an activity or a real or artificial …

    42 Synonyms & Antonyms of IMMERSION - Merriam …
      immersion noun Definition of immersion as in concentration a focusing of the mind on something a program of complete immersion in the language is the only way you're …

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