At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Immunize Medical Definition. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Immunize Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    The meaning of IMMUNIZE is to make (someone or something) immune to something : to provide with protection against or immunity from something; specifically : to make (a living organism) immune or resistant to a disease or pathogenic agent especially by inoculation : to create immunity in … See more

Immunization Basics | CDC - Centers for Disease Control and …
    Definition of Terms. Immunity: Protection from an infectious disease. If you are immune to a disease, you can be exposed to it without becoming infected. Vaccine: A …

Immunization Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    How to use immunization in a sentence. the act of making someone or something immune or the state of being immune : the act or result of immunizing someone or something: …

Immunize | definition of immunize by Medical dictionary
    The university's plan was initiated in response to a request to all major medical centers from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention--under orders from the secretary of …

Immunization | definition of immunization by Medical dictionary
    immunization: [ im″u-nĭ-za´shun ] the process of rendering a subject immune, or of becoming immune. Called also inoculation and vaccination . The word vaccine originally …

Differences Between Vaccinate vs. Inoculate vs. Immunize
    Immunize means “to make immune” or “to render harmless or ineffective; neutralize.”. Immunize is a verb based on the adjective immune, which is also used in …

Vaccines and immunization: What is vaccination? - World Health …
    The paper was subsequently retracted by the journal that published it, and the doctor that published it lost his medical license. Unfortunately, its publication created …

Immunize - definition of immunize by The Free Dictionary
    Define immunize. immunize synonyms, immunize pronunciation, immunize translation, English dictionary definition of immunize. tr.v. im·mu·nized , im·mu·niz·ing , …

Immunized | definition of immunized by Medical dictionary
    Looking for online definition of immunized in the Medical Dictionary? immunized explanation free. What is immunized? Meaning of immunized medical term. What does …

Immunizer | definition of immunizer by Medical dictionary
    "Whether it be their expanded role in the delivery of pharmacy-centric services to promote adherence, or the access provided to the community by having 20,000 certified CVS …

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