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Induce | definition of induce by Medical dictionary
    induce: ( in-dūs' ), To cause or bring about. See: induction .

Induce - definition of induce by The Free Dictionary
    Define induce. induce synonyms, induce pronunciation, induce translation, English dictionary definition of induce. tr.v. in·duced , in·duc·ing , in·duc·es 1. To lead or move, …

Induced | definition of induced by Medical dictionary
    induced: /in·duced/ ( in-dldbomacst´ ) 1. produced artificially. 2. produced by induction .

Induction | definition of induction by Medical dictionary
    induction: [ in-duk´shun ] 1. the process or act of causing to occur. 2. the production of a specific morphogenetic effect in the embryo through evocators or organizers, or the …

Induced Definition & Meaning |
    Induced definition, brought about, produced, or caused, especially artificially (often used in combination):Medical intervention in childbirth has become the norm, with hospitals …

Labor induction - Mayo Clinic
    Labor induction — also known as inducing labor — is prompting the uterus to contract during pregnancy before labor begins on its own for a vaginal birth. A health …

Induction Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    induction: [noun] the act or process of inducting (as into office). an initial experience : initiation. the formality by which a civilian is inducted into military service.

Labor Induction: Reasons, Types, and Risk Factors
    Labor induction is a procedure in which your doctor uses methods to help you go into labor. Learn about how and why it’s done and what it feels like. ... Induction uses medication or medical ...

Inducer | definition of inducer by Medical dictionary
    in biosynthesis, a compound that induces synthesis of a specific enzyme or sequence of enzymes, by antagonizing the corresponding repressor, or by some other …

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