At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Inferior Medical Examples. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Inferior | definition of inferior by Medical dictionary
    1. Situated below or directed downward. 2. In human anatomy, situated nearer the soles of the feet in relation to a specific reference point; opposite of superior. 3. Less useful or of poorer quality. Synonym (s): Lower [L. lower] Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex …

Anatomical Terms of Location - Anterior
    Examples: The eye is lateral to the nose. The nose is medial to the ears. The brachial artery lies …

1.4B: Directional Terms - Medicine LibreTexts
    Examples include the superior and inferior vena cava, which carry deoxygenated blood away from …

Inferior Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    Synonyms of inferior 1 : of little or less importance, value, or merit always felt inferior to his older brother 2 a : of low or lower degree or rank b : of poor quality : mediocre 3 : situated …

Anatomical Terminology | SEER Training

    Superior/Inferior Flashcards | Quizlet
      Farther from the attachment of a limb to the trunk; farther from the origination of a structure Superficial Toward or on the surface of the body Deep Away from the surface of the body …

    What is the Difference Between Superior …
      ‘Inferior’ is the opposite term of superior. The term can describe the structures located below the body. It also comes from the Latin word ‘below. Moreover, the …

    Anatomical Position and Directional Terms - EZmed
      Examples of Superior and Inferior Finally, we can apply these terms to internal structures as well. For example, the heart is superior to the liver and the liver is …

    “Inferior” and 5 other confusing medical terms
      Inferior and superior:The terms inferior and superior in medicine are used to describe position rather than quality. A superior vein would be “on top of”, while an …

    Inferior Good: Definition, Examples, and …
      Typical examples of inferior goods include “store-brand” grocery products, instant noodles, and certain canned or frozen foods. Although some people have a …

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