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Ingression - definition of ingression by The Free Dictionary
    1. also in·gres·sion (ĭn-grĕsh′ən) A going in or entering. 2. Right or permission to enter. 3. A means or place of entering. [Middle English ingresse, from Latin ingressus, from past participle of ingredī, to enter : in-, in; see in-2 + gradī, to step; see ghredh- in Indo …

Ingression Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    1. : the act of entering : entrance. the seal prevents ingress of moisture. 2. : the power or liberty of entrance or access. an area with restricted ingress. ingression. in-ˈgre-shən. noun.

Ingress - definition of ingress by The Free Dictionary
    in·gress. (ĭn′grĕs′) n. 1. also in·gres·sion (ĭn-grĕsh′ən) A going in or entering. 2. Right or permission to enter. 3. A means or place of entering. [Middle English ingresse, from …

Ingress Definition & Meaning |
    ingress / ( ˈɪŋɡrɛs) / noun the act of going or coming in; an entering a way in; entrance the right or permission to enter astronomy another name for immersion (def. 2) Derived forms …

Ingress | definition of ingress by Medical dictionary
    1. The placing of a body under water or other liquid. 2. microscopy filling the space between the objective lens and the top of the cover glass with a fluid, such as water or oil, …

Ingression Definition & Meaning | YourDictionary
    The act or process of entering or intruding. Ingression of the sea onto land. Wiktionary. (metaphysics) The process by which a potentiality enters into actuality. Wiktionary. …

Ingression (biology) - Wikipedia
    Ingressionis one of the many changes in the location or relative position of cellsthat takes place during the gastrulationstage of embryonic development. It produces an …

Ingression | Definition of Ingression by Webster's Online Dictionary
    Looking for definition of Ingression? Ingression explanation. Define Ingression by Webster's Dictionary, WordNet Lexical Database, Dictionary of Computing, Legal …

Ingestion | definition of ingestion by Medical dictionary
    in·ges·tion ( in-jes'chŭn) 1. Introduction of food and drink into the stomach. 2. Incorporation of particles into the cytoplasm of a phagocytic cell by invagination of a portion of the cell …

What does ingression mean? - definitions
    Freebase (0.00 / 0 votes) Rate this definition: Ingression. Ingression is one of the many changes in the location or relative position of cells that takes place during the …

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