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Inhibition | definition of inhibition by Medical dictionary
    inhibition [in″hĭ-bish´un] 1. arrest or restraint of a process. 2. in psychoanalysis, the conscious or unconscious restraining of an impulse or desire. adj., adj inhib´itory. competitive inhibition inhibition of enzyme activity by an inhibitor (a substrate …

Inhibition Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    inhibition: [noun] the act of inhibiting : the state of being inhibited. something that forbids, debars, or restricts.

Inhibitions | definition of inhibitions by Medical dictionary
    inhibition: [ in″hĭ-bish´un ] 1. arrest or restraint of a process. 2. in psychoanalysis, the conscious or unconscious restraining of an impulse or desire. adj., adj inhib´itory. …

Inhibit | definition of inhibit by Medical dictionary
    inhibit: /in·hib·it/ ( in-hib´it ) to retard, arrest, or restrain.

Inhibitor | definition of inhibitor by Medical dictionary
    inhibitor [in-hib´ĭ-tor] 1. any substance that interferes with a chemical reaction, growth, or other biologic activity. 2. a chemical substance that inhibits or checks the action of a …

Inhibitors | definition of Inhibitors by Medical dictionary
    inhibitor. [ in-hib´ĭ-tor] 1. any substance that interferes with a chemical reaction, growth, or other biologic activity. 2. a chemical substance that inhibits or checks the action of a …

INHIBITION | definition in the Cambridge English Dictionary
    inhibition meaning: 1. a feeling of embarrassment or worry that prevents you from saying or doing what you want: 2…. Learn more.

Selective inhibition | definition of selective inhibition by …
    inhibition [in″hĭ-bish´un] 1. arrest or restraint of a process. 2. in psychoanalysis, the conscious or unconscious restraining of an impulse or desire. adj., adj inhib´itory. …

Zone of inhibition | definition of zone of inhibition by …
    zone of inhibition: ( zōn in'hi-bish'ŭn ) The area around an antibiotic disc that contains no bacterial growth.

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