At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Kindred Hospital Medical. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Kindred | The Nation's Leading Specialty Hospital Company
    Kindred Hospitals provide aggressive, specialized interdisciplinary care to medically complex patients who require extended recovery time. Learn More Subacute Units …

Long-Term Acute Care (LTAC) Hospital - Kindred
    Kindred Hospital Central Tampa is a 102-bed long-term acute care hospital offering the same in-depth care you would receive in a traditional hospital, but for an extended …

Working at Kindred - Kindred Healthcare
    Kindred Healthcare and Lifepoint Health completed a transaction in which some Kindred facilities became part of Lifepoint, and others became part of a newly formed company, …

Search our Job Opportunities at Kindred - Kindred …
    Kindred Healthcare and Lifepoint Health completed a transaction in which some Kindred facilities became part of Lifepoint, and others became part of a newly formed …

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