At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Labium Minus Medical Definition. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Labium minus | definition of labium minus by Medical …
    la·bi·um mi·'nus. [TA] Avoid the incorrect phrase labium minor. One of two narrow longitudinal folds of skin enclosed in the pudendal cleft within the labia majora; posteriorly, they gradually merge into the labia majora and join to form the frenulum labiorum pudendi …

Labia minora - Wikipedia

    Labia minora | Radiology Reference Article
      The labia minora (singular: labium minus) are small glabrous cutaneous folds lying between and just superior to the labia majora. At their posterior margin the …

    Labium | definition of labium by Medical dictionary
      labium mi´nus (pl. la´bia mino´ra), the small fold of skin on either side, between the labia majora and the opening of the vagina. la´bia o´ris the lips of the mouth. Miller-Keane …

    Labium minus of vulva - e-Anatomy - IMAIOS
      The Labia Minora (labia minora pudendi; nymphæ) are two small cutaneous folds, situated between the labia majora, and extending from the clitoris obliquely …

    Labia Minora: What Is It, Location, and More | Osmosis
      The labia minora are the two inner folds of skin that surround the opening of the vagina. The labia minora are part of the external female genitals, or genitals present in individuals …

    Labia minora hypertrophy - UpToDate
      Labia minora hypertrophy is a largely subjective condition. This issue is usually brought to medical attention due to vulvar discomfort, functional symptoms …

    Labium minus - definition of Labium minus by The Free …
      labia mi·no·ra (mə-nôr′ə) pl.n. The two thin inner folds of skin within the vestibule of the vagina enclosed within the cleft of the labia majora; nymphae. [New Latin labia minōra : …

    Labium Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
      la· bi· um ˈlā-bē-əm. plural labia ˈlā-bē-ə. 1. : any of the folds at the margin of the vulva compare labia majora, labia minora. 2. : the lower lip of a labiate corolla. 3. a. : a lower …

    Labium minus | Article about labium minus by The Free …
      labium minus [ ′lā·bē·əm ′mē·nəs] (anatomy) Either of the two inner folds, at the inner surfaces of the labia majora, surrounding the vulva in the female. McGraw-Hill …

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