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Lag of accommodation | definition of lag of …
    lag of accommodation the extent to which the eyes fail to focus accurately. anaphase lag delayed movement during anaphase of one homologous chromosome in mitosis or of one chromatid in meiosis, so that the chromosome is not incorporated into the nucleus of …

Accommodation | definition of accommodation by …
    lag of accommodation 1. The amount by which the accommodative response of the eye is less than the dioptric stimulus to accommodation, as usually occurs when …

Anaphase lag | definition of anaphase lag by Medical …
    1. the time elapsing between application of a stimulus and the resulting reaction. 2. the early period after inoculation of bacteria into a culture medium, in which the growth or cell …

Lag | definition of lag by Medical dictionary
    1. the time elapsing between application of a stimulus and the resulting reaction. 2. the early period after inoculation of bacteria into a culture medium, in which the growth or cell …

Measuring Accommodative Lag - Retinoscopy | Myopia
    The simplest way to measure accommodative lag is with near retinoscopy. Position yourself 33-40cm away from the patient (2.5 …

Lags | definition of lags by Medical dictionary
    1. the time elapsing between application of a stimulus and the resulting reaction. 2. the early period after inoculation of bacteria into a culture medium, in which the growth or cell …

What is the normal lag of accommodation? –
    “Accommodative lag” means the muscles aren’t managing to pull the focus in close enough for the object being viewed to be properly in focus. Such as only pulling the …

Accommodation (vertebrate eye) - Wikipedia
    There are many types of accommodation anomalies. It can be broadly classified into two, decreased accommodation and increased accommodation. Decreased …

Lag Of Accommodation Medical Dictionary | Day of Difference
    lag (redirected from lag of accommodation) Also found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus, Medical, Financial . lag [ lag] (civil engineering) A flat piece of material, usually wood, …

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