At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Ligature Definition Medical. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Ligature Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    a. : something that is used to bind. specifically : a filament (such as a thread) used in surgery. b. : something that unites or connects : bond. having no ligature of race or family affection to bind them together Horace Bushnell. 2. : the action of binding or tying. the …

Ligature | definition of ligature by Medical dictionary
    ligature. [ lig´ah-chur] any material, such as a thread or wire, used in surgery to tie off blood vessels to prevent bleeding, or to treat abnormalities in other parts of the body by constricting the tissues; …

Ligature Definition & Meaning |
    noun. the act of binding or tying up: The ligature of the artery was done with skill. anything that serves for binding or tying up, as a band, bandage, or cord. a tie or bond: the ligature …

Medical Definition of Ligature
    Medical Definition of Ligature MedTerms medical dictionary is the medical terminology for Our doctors define difficult medical language in easy …

Ligation | definition of ligation by Medical dictionary
    ligation (lī-gā′shən) n. 1. a. The act of binding or of applying a ligature. b. The state of being bound. 2. Something that binds; a ligature. The American Heritage® Medical Dictionary …

Ligaturing | definition of ligaturing by Medical dictionary
    ligature (lĭg′ə-cho͝or′, -chər) n. 1. The act of tying or binding. 2. a. A cord, wire, or bandage used for tying or binding. b. A thread, wire, or cord used in surgery to close vessels or tie …

    ABSTRACT… Introduction: There are three types of compression of neck which are of prime forensic importance – (1) Manual strangulation (2) Hanging (3) Ligature strangulation. …

What is Ligature? | Behavioral Safety Products | Ligature …
    Ligature can be distinguished from hanging by the strangling force of something other than the person’s full body weight. This type of strangulation cuts off blood flow to the …

Ligated | definition of ligated by Medical dictionary
    verb To join two separate DNA or RNA segments so as to enzymatically form a single DNA or RNA molecule. Surgery verb To tie, close with a suture. Segen's Medical Dictionary. …

Medical Definition of Ligature - RxList
    Ligature: Material used to tie something in surgery. Ligatures are used to tie off blood vessels, and they may be made of silk, gut, wire, or other materials. QUESTION …

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