At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Lipotropic Factor Medical Definition. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Lipotropic | definition of lipotropic by Medical dictionary
    lipotropic: [ lip″o-trop´ik ] 1. acting on fat metabolism by hastening removal, or decreasing the deposit, of fat in the liver. 2. an agent that so acts.

Lipotropic factor | definition of lipotropic factor by Medical …
    lipotropic factor: choline ( koh -leen) , Intrachol (trade name), L-choline (trade name), Lipotropic Factor (trade name) Classification Therapeutic: none assigned Hepatic …

Lipotropy | definition of lipotropy by Medical dictionary
    lipotropy: ( li-pot'rō-pē ), 1. Affinity of basic dyes for fatty tissue. 2. Prevention of accumulation of fat in the liver. 3. Affinity of nonpolar substances for each other. [lipo- + …

Lipotropic Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    lipotropic: [adjective] promoting the physiological utilization of fat.

Lipotropic factors - Health Facts
    Lipotropic factors are found in the blood and act as natural emulsifiers. They function to hold together blood lipids in solutions and preventing the deposition of lipids …

How Do Lipotropics Work? | livestrong
    Lipotropics are a fat-loss supplement designed for people who are 20 percent or higher over their ideal body weight--or women with more than 30 percent body fat, and …

Lipotropic agents | definition of Lipotropic agents by …
    1. acting on fat metabolism by hastening removal, or decreasing the deposit, of fat in the liver.

Lipotropism | definition of lipotropism by Medical dictionary
    1. acting on fat metabolism by hastening removal, or decreasing the deposit, of fat in the liver.

Lipotropic - definition of lipotropic by The Free Dictionary
    Define lipotropic. lipotropic synonyms, lipotropic pronunciation, lipotropic translation, English dictionary definition of lipotropic. adj. 1. Preventing abnormal or excessive …

Lipotropic factor | Article about lipotropic factor by The …
    Thiamine (vitamin B 1 or antiberiberi factor) is a necessary ingredient for the biosynthesis of the coenzyme thiamine pyrophosphate; in this latter form it plays an important role in …

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