At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Liver Medical Problem. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Liver problems - Symptoms and causes - Mayo Clinic
    Liver disease doesn't always cause noticeable signs and symptoms. If signs and symptoms of liver disease do occur, they may include: 1. Skin and eyes that appear yellowish (jaundice) 2. Abdominal pain and swelling 3. Swelling in the legs and ankles 4. Itchy skin 5. Dark urine color 6. Pale stool color 7. … See more

Liver Health | Johns Hopkins Medicine
    When you take in a potentially toxic substance, like alcohol or medicine, your liver helps alter it and remove it from your body. Controlling immune responses. When bacteria, …

Liver Disease: Types, Causes, Symptoms and …
    The term “liver disease” refers to any of several conditions that can affect and damage your liver. Over time, liver disease can cause cirrhosis (scarring). As more scar tissue replaces …

Liver Disease: Types of Liver Problems, Causes, and …

    Acute liver failure - Symptoms and causes - Mayo Clinic
      Acute liver failure often causes complications, including: Too much fluid in the brain (cerebral edema). Too much fluid causes pressure to build up in your brain, which can …

    Liver Disease: Early Signs, Symptoms, …
      Classic symptoms of liver disease include nausea, vomiting, right upper quadrant abdominal pain, and jaundice (a yellow discoloration of the skin due to elevated …

    Liver Disease: Types of Liver Problems & Their Causes
      Taking too much acetaminophen or other medications can harm your liver. Make sure you follow the dosing instructions on the label, and be aware that acetaminophen might be in …

    Liver function tests - Mayo Clinic
      Liver function tests are blood tests used to help diagnose and monitor liver disease or damage. The tests measure the levels of certain enzymes and proteins in …

    Enlarged liver - Symptoms and causes
      An enlarged liver is one that's bigger than normal. The medical term is hepatomegaly (hep-uh-toe-MEG-uh-le). Rather than a disease, an enlarged liver is a …

    What Are Signs That Your Liver Is Not Functioning …
      Liver cirrhosis is a medical condition where the liver ends up with scarring and permanent damage. This results in the scar tissue overtaking healthy liver tissue. …

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