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Making sense of ethnography and medical education
    Method: In this paper we chart the history of the ethnographic tradition, explaining its roots and highlighting its value in enabling the ethnographic researcher to explore and make …

Making sense of ethnography and medical education
    Method In this paper we chart the history of the ethnographic tradition, explaining its roots and highlighting its value in enabling the ethnographic researcher to explore and make …

Making sense of ethnography and medical education
    Method In this paper we chart the history of the ethnographic tradition, explaining its roots and highlighting its value in enabling the ethnographic researcher to …

Focused ethnography as an approach in medical …
    In this article, we direct attention to focused ethnography, which has emerged as a useful, suitable and feasible applied qualitative research approach, and …

Making sense of ethnography and medical education
    We discuss a number of studies that have provided detailed and context-sensitive accounts of the everyday life of medical schools, medical practitioners and …

Making sense of ethnography and medical education
    Often, medical education consists of short‐term episodes that are not bound to single sites, but take place in a myriad of locations and contexts such as classrooms, …

Ten tips for conducting focused ethnography in medical …
    Background: Medical education researchers increasingly use qualitative methods, such as ethnography to understand shared practices and beliefs in groups. Focused …

An overview of ethnography in healthcare and medical …
    The purpose of this article is to introduce ethnography, to describe how ethnographic methods may be utilized, to provide an overview of ethnography's use in …

Focused ethnography as an approach in medical …
    Context: Over recent decades, the use of qualitative methodologies has increased in medical education research. These include ethnographic approaches, which have …

Making sense of ethnography and medical education
    Making sense of ethnography and medical education Making sense of ethnography and medical educationAtkinson, Paul; Pugsley, Lesley 2005-02-01 …

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