At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Malignancies Definition Medical. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Malignancies | definition of malignancies by Medical …
    ma·lig·nan·cy ( mă-lig'nant-sē ), The property or condition of being malignant. ma·lig·nan·cy cancerophobia, carcinophobia. Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012 malignancy (mə-lĭg′nən-sē) n. pl. malignan·cies 1. also malignance (-nəns) The state or …

Malignancy: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia
    The term "malignancy" refers to the presence of cancerous cells that have the ability to spread to other sites in the body (metastasize) or to invade nearby (locally) and …

Malignancy Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    1 : the quality or state of being malignant 2 a : exhibition (as by a tumor) of malignant qualities : virulence b : a malignant tumor Synonyms cattiness despite hatefulness …

What Is Cancer? - NCI - National Cancer Institute

    Cancer - Symptoms and causes - Mayo Clinic

      Malignancy | definition of malignancy by Medical dictionary
        ma·lig·nan·cy ( mă-lig'nant-sē ), The property or condition of being malignant. ma·lig·nan·cy cancerophobia, carcinophobia. Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012 …

      Malignancy - Wikipedia
        Malignancy (from Latin male 'badly', and -gnus 'born') is the tendency of a medical condition to become progressively worse. Malignancy is most familiar as a …

      Malignant Neoplasm: What It Is, Types & Factors
        What is a malignant neoplasm? A malignant neoplasm (NEE-oh-plaz-um) is another term for a cancerous tumor. The term “neoplasm” refers to an abnormal growth of tissue. The …

      Hematologic Malignancies -
        Hematologic (blood) cancers, which impact the normal production and function of blood cells, often begin in bone marrow where stem cells develop into white blood …

      Does 'Malignant' Mean Cancer?
        In medicine, the term malignant usually refers to a medical condition that is considered dangerous or likely to cause death if untreated. Many diseases can be considered …

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