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Malleus | definition of malleus by Medical dictionary
    mal·le·i. ( mal'ē-ŭs, mal'ē-ī ), [TA] The largest of the three auditory ossicles, resembling a club rather than a hammer; it is regarded as having a head, below which is the neck, and from this diverge the handle or manubrium, and the slender, anterior process; from the …

Malleus Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    malleus noun mal· le· us ˈmal-ē-əs plural mallei -ē-ˌī -ē-ˌē : the outermost of the chain of three ossicles in the middle ear of a mammal consisting of a head, neck, short process, …

Malleus: Anatomy, Function, and Treatment - Verywell Health

    Malleus Definition & Meaning |
      malleus / ( ˈmælɪəs) / noun plural -lei (-lɪˌaɪ) the outermost and largest of the three small bones in the middle ear of mammalsNontechnical name: hammer See also incus, stapes …

    Malleus | Radiology Reference Article |
      The malleus (plural: mallei) is the most lateral middle ear ossicle, located between the tympanic membrane and the incus. Gross anatomy The malleus has a …

    Medial Malleolus Fracture: Treatment, Recovery, and …
      The medial malleolus is the largest of the three bone segments that form your ankle. The other two are the lateral and the posterior malleolus. When a medial malleolus …

    Malleolus Definition & Meaning | Merriam-Webster Medical
      plural malleoli -ˌlī. : an expanded projection or process at the distal end of the fibula or tibia at the level of the ankle: a. : the expanded lower end of the fibula situated on the …

    Hallux malleus | definition of hallux malleus by Medical …
      hallux [ hal´uks] (pl. hal´luces) ( L.) the great toe. hallux doloro´sus a painful disease of the great toe, usually associated with flatfoot. hallux flex´us hallux rigidus. hallux mal´leus …

    Medical Definition of Malleus - MedicineNet
      Medical Definition of Malleus. MedTerms medical dictionary is the medical terminology for Our doctors define difficult medical language in easy …

    Malleolus Definition & Meaning |
      British Dictionary definitions for malleolus malleolus / ( məˈliːələs) / noun plural -li (-ˌlaɪ) either of two rounded bony projections of the tibia and fibula on the sides of each ankle …

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