At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Medical Anthropology Arizona. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Medical Anthropology (Certificate NDP) Graduate
    The Graduate Certificate in Medical Anthropology provides advanced training in Medical Anthropology for University of Arizona graduate students, as well as for health science …

Anthropology Home Page
    The School of Anthropology enjoys a long tradition of academic excellence, and today is ranked one of the top five programs in the United States. About the School AREAS OF …

Victor Braitberg | SBS QuickStar Default
    Dr. Victor Braitberg is a Cultural Anthropologist whose interests reside at the intersection of medical anthropology and Science and Technology Studies. He is broadly concerned …

Medical Anthropology — University of Arizona
    Medical anthropology is an interdisciplinary subfield of anthropology with a long history of research on environmental health-related issues, especially those pertaining to human …

Linda Green | SBS QuickStar Default
    About Linda Green. I am a socio-cutural and medical anthropologist. In my scholarship I draw on insights garnered from over two decades of field-based research that has …

Ph.D. Minor Requirements | SBS QuickStar Default
    Medical anthropology employs methods and materials from all anthropological subfields and numerous other scholarly disciplines. The Medical Anthropology minor at the University of …

Michael Winkelman | ASU Search
    SHESC Themes: Culture, Heritage and Identity; Biological, Social and Cultural Dimensions of Human Health Field Specializations: Ethnicity, Medical Anthropology, Psychological …

Medical Anthropology | Department of Anthropology
    Medical Anthropology | Department of Anthropology Medical Anthropology Medical anthropology is the study of how health and illness are shaped, experienced, and …

Program Strengths | SBS QuickStar Default
    Our strength in the anthropology of the Southwest leverages the University of Arizona’s geographic location in one of the most socially and ecologically diverse regions of the …

Ph.D. Anthropology | SBS QuickStar Default
    Anthropology of the Southwest Anthrozoology Community-Based Research and Cultural Heritage in Arizona and the Southwest Ecological and Evolutionary Anthropology …

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