At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Medical Bioptron Ag. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Bioptron AG, Switzerland. Company Information. - Bioptron
    Part of the Zepter Group from 1996, Bioptron AG is a Swiss company that develops and manufactures medically certified light therapy devices. Since its incorporation in 1988, …

BIOPTRON AG, Switzerland - en …
    BIOPTRON AG, Switzerland Part of the Zepter Group from 1996, Bioptron AG is a Swiss company that develops and manufactures medically certified light therapy devices. …

Bioptron Hyperlight Therapy System by Zepter Group - Bioptron
    Bioptron Hyperlight Therapy System by Zepter Group - Bioptron. BIOPTRON ® Hyperlight safely treats arthritis, neck & back pain by stimulating blood circulation, reducing …

Bioptron Devices
    BIOPTRON AG: A Swiss company, founded in 1988, that became part of the Zepter Group in the mid-1990s. Distinguished results in the field of light therapy stem from …

Health & Medical - BIOPTRON
    Health & Medical. BIOPTRON is a safe, effective and economical therapy for everybody, everywhere, anytime. The BIOPTRON Light Therapy System is clinically tested, proven & …

BIOPTRON AG, Switzerland
    BIOPTRON AG, Switzerland Part of the Zepter Group, BIOPTRON AG produces medical devices of the highest Swiss quality & guarantees excellence in production standards. In …

    A revolutionary breakthrough in medicine, based on Nobel Prize- winning light technology. BIOPTRON Medical Light is clinically tested & certified to effectively treat pain, wounds, …

    BIOPTRON YOUTHRON FEATURES. Small yet powerful, Bioptron YOUTHRON is easy to use, absolutely safe, with stylish design and a state-of-the-art technology. It is a personal …

BIOPTRON MEDALL Set with hyperlight …
    Our breakthrough medical light therapy device is based on Nobel Prize winning technology, and is fully certified for non-invasive, accelerated healing and medical prevention of a …

Register - BIMB
    Registration The platform welcomes and is reserved to professionals of the health system, pharmacy, veterinary, biology and microbiology etc. and heads of medical brands of …

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