At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Medical Condition Organs Reversed. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Situs inversus - Wikipedia
    Situs inversus (also called situs transversus or oppositus) is a congenital condition in which the major visceral organs are reversed or mirrored from their normal positions. The normal arrangement of internal organs is known as situs solitus. Although cardiac problems are more common, many people with … See more

Why are some people born with a reversal of organs?
    Reversal of organs is a rare condition that very few doctors and scientists understand. The good news is that many people born …

Situs Inversus: Definition and Patient Education - Healthline
    Situs inversus is a genetic condition in which the organs in the chest and abdomen are positioned in a mirror image from their …

She lived for 99 years with organs in all the wrong …
    A condition called situs inversus with levocardia, in which most vital organs are reversed – almost like a mirror inside the body. …

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