At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Medical Definition Cross Eyed. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Strabismus (Crossed Eyes): Types, Causes, Symptoms …
    Strabismus (crossed eyes) is a condition in which the eyes do not line up with one another. In other words, one eye is turned in a direction that is different from the other eye. Under normal conditions, the six muscles that control eye movement work together and …

What does it mean to be cross eyed? Definition, causes, …
    Crossed eyes occur when the eyes do not align properly and cannot work together as they typically would. The eyes may point in different directions, and it may …

Strabismus (Cross Eyed) - Symptoms and Causes
    Strabismus is the medical term for misaligned eyes - a condition that occurs in 3-5% of the population. The eyes may turn inward (crossed aka esotropia), outward (splayed aka …

Strabismus (crossed eyes) | AOA - American Optometric …

    Crossed Eyes (Strabismus): Symptoms, Causes, and …
      Crossed eyes, also called strabismus, is a condition in which your eyes don’t line up. If you have this condition, your eyes look in different directions. And each eye will …

    Cross-eyed | definition of cross-eyed by Medical dictionary
      strabismus in which there is manifest deviation of the visual axis of one eye toward that of the other eye, resulting in diplopia; called also cross-eye and convergent …

    Cross eyed | definition of Cross eyed by Medical dictionary
      Crossed eyes; exotropia, walleye Ophthalmology Nonparallel position or movement of eyes, due to ↓ muscle coordination between eyes, with loss of stereoscopic vision …

    Cross-eyed Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
      1 : strabismus in which the eye turns inward toward the nose 2 cross-eyes plural : eyes affected with cross-eye cross-eyed ˈkrȯs-ˌīd adjective Word History First Known Use …

    Cross-eye | definition of cross-eye by Medical dictionary
      strabismus in which there is manifest deviation of the visual axis of one eye toward that of the other eye, resulting in diplopia; called also cross-eye and convergent strabismus. adj., …

    Cross eyes | definition of cross eyes by Medical dictionary
      cross eyes Convergent strabismus Ophthalmology A process affecting 3% of children; once recognized, it should be treated immediately to allow maximum development of visual …

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