At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Medical Definition For Aura. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Aura | definition of aura by Medical dictionary
    n. pl. auras or aurae (ôr′ē) Medicine A sensation, as of a cold breeze or a bright light, that precedes the onset of certain disorders, such as an epileptic seizure or an attack of migraine. The American Heritage® Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2007, 2004 by …

Aura Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    Medical Definition aura noun au· ra ˈȯr-ə plural auras also aurae -ē : a subjective sensation (as of voices or colored lights or crawling and numbness) experienced at the …

Migraine with aura - Diagnosis and treatment - Mayo Clinic

    Migraine with aura - Symptoms and causes - Mayo Clinic
      Doctors & departments Print Overview Migraine with aura (also called classic migraine) is a recurring headache that strikes after or at the same time as sensory …

    Medical Definition of Aura - MedicineNet
      Aura: A sensation perceived by a patient that precedes a condition affecting the brain. An aura often occurs before a migraine or seizure . It may consist of …

    Aura (symptom) - Wikipedia
      An aura is a perceptual disturbance experienced by some with epilepsy or migraine. An epileptic aura is a seizure. [1] Epileptic and migraine auras are due to the involvement of specific areas of the …

    Auras | definition of auras by Medical dictionary
      A subjective sensation or motor phenomenon that precedes and indicates the onset of a neurological episode, such as a migraine or an epileptic seizure. Mentioned in: …

    Migraine Aura: What Is It, Symptoms, Causes
      Migraine aura refers to any number of sensory disturbances, including dots, sparks or zigzags in your vision. Some people experience tinnitus, dizziness or even the inability to …

    What is an Aura and How is it Treated? - All About Vision
      Before experiencing a seizure or migraine, people often experience a wave of sensory disturbances, ranging from nausea and hallucinations to feelings of numbness. …

    Medical Definition of Aura - RxList
      Aura: A sensation perceived by a patient that precedes a condition affecting the brain. An aura often occurs before a migraine or seizure. It may consist of …

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