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Lacunae | definition of lacunae by Medical dictionary
    , pl. lacunae ( lă-kū'nă, -nē) 1. [TA] A small space, cavity, or depression. 2. A gap or defect. 3. An abnormal space between strata or between the cellular elements of the epidermis. 4. Synonym (s): corneal space. Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing …

Lacuna Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    plural lacunae -ˈkyü- (ˌ)nē -ˈkü-ˌnī : a small cavity, pit, or discontinuity in an anatomical structure: as a : one of the follicles in the mucous membrane of the urethra b : one of the …

Lacuna | definition of lacuna by Medical dictionary
    , pl. lacunae ( lă-kū'nă, -nē) 1. [TA] A small space, cavity, or depression. 2. A gap or defect. 3. An abnormal space between strata or between the cellular elements of the epidermis. …

What Is a Lacune? | Stroke
    The terms “lacune”, “lacunar infarct” and “lacunar stroke” are often used interchangeably, but they are not the same thing. Lacunes are 3 to 15 mm …

Lacunar Stroke: Symptoms, Treatments, and Long-Term …
    Lacunar stroke is a type of ischemic stroke that occurs when blood flow to one of the small arteries deep within the brain becomes blocked. A stroke occurs when a …

Lacuna Definition and Examples - Biology Online Dictionary
    In botany, the term “lacuna” refers to the gap in the vascular tissue of the stem through which a leaf grows. This gap is known as the leaf gap or lacuna. The connecting portion of a leaf to the stem is known …

Lacune | definition of lacune by Medical dictionary
    A lacune is a type of small stroke that occurs when someone has hypertension or another type of small vessel disease, and an "infarct," or death, occurs within the vessel, …

Lacunar Stroke - Harvard Health
    A stroke in a deep area of the brain (for example, a stroke in the thalamus, the basal ganglia or pons) is called a lacunar stroke. These deeper structures receive …

Lacunar | definition of lacunar by Medical dictionary
    Lacunar | definition of lacunar by Medical dictionary TheFreeDictionary Google lacunar Also found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia. Related to lacunar: …

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