At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Medical Definition Of Laminated. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Laminated Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    1 : laminate sense 1 2 a : composed of layers of firmly united material b : made by bonding or impregnating superposed layers (as of paper, wood, or fabric) with resin and …

Lamellated | Radiology Reference Article |
    The term lamellated (or laminated which means the same thing) is a radiopathological term used to describe the layered appearance of many calculi, …

Laminated epithelium | definition of laminated epithelium …
    A type of epithelium composed of a series of layers, the cells of each varying in size and shape. It is named more specifically according to the type of cells at the surface, e.g., …

Laminated - definition of laminated by The Free Dictionary
    laminated. ( ˈlæmɪˌneɪtɪd) adj. 1. composed of thin sheets (of plastic, wood, etc) superimposed and bonded together by synthetic resins, usually under heat and …

Lamination | definition of lamination by Medical dictionary
    lam·i·na·tion ( lam'i-nā'shŭn ), 1. An arrangement in the form of plates or laminae. 2. Embryotomy by removing the fetal head in slices. Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © …

Laminated clot | definition of laminated clot by Medical …
    a clot formed in a succession of layers such as occurs in the natural course of an aneurysm. Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012 lam·i·nat·ed clot ( lam'i-nā-tĕd klot) A …

Laminectomy - Mayo Clinic
    Laminectomy is surgery that creates space by removing bone spurs and tissues associated with arthritis of the spine. It usually involves removing a small piece of the back part (lamina) of the …

Laminate | definition of laminate by Medical dictionary
    Laminate is a better choice in kitchens and basements. Choose the: right laminated floor. Increased style options are another driver of laminate flooring's increase in popularity. …

Laminate Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    1 : to roll or compress into a thin plate 2 : to separate into laminae 3 a : to make (something, such as a windshield) by uniting superposed layers of one or more materials b : to unite …

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