At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Medical Encyclopedia Spanish Fly. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Spanish fly - Wikipedia

    Cantharidin - Wikipedia

      Enciclopedia médica: MedlinePlus en español
        La Enciclopedia Ilustrada de Salud (Health Illustrated Encyclopedia) de A.D.A.M. incluye más de 4.000 artículos acerca de enfermedades, exámenes, síntomas, lesiones y procedimientos quirúrgicos. También …

      Spanish fly | definition of Spanish fly by Medical dictionary
        Spanish fly n. 1. A brilliant green blister beetle (Lytta vesicatoria) of central and southern Europe. 2. A toxic preparation of the crushed, dried bodies of this beetle, formerly used …

      Spanish fly | Article about Spanish fly by The Free …
        The Spanish fly ( Lytta vesicatoria ), a bright green or bluish blister beetle, is a common S European species from which cantharides are extracted and commercially prepared by …

      Spanish Fly | Medical Meaning of Spanish Fly
        However, the Spanish broom is said to be five to six times more active than the common broom, and even that must be used with caution by professional herbalists due to the …

      Spanish Fly: How This Aphrodisiac Might Actually Kill …
        In extremely minuscule doses, however, Spanish Fly does cause warmth and erections, but only because the human body is interpreting the substance as a poison and is increasing blood flow …

      Medical Encyclopedia: MedlinePlus
        The A.D.A.M. Medical Encyclopedia includes over 4,000 articles about diseases, tests, symptoms, injuries, and surgeries. It also contains an extensive library of medical photographs and illustrations. For more …

      Spanish fly |
        Spanish fly (span-ish) n. the blister beetle, Lytta vesicatoria: source of the irritant and toxic chemical compound cantharidin. Source for information on Spanish fly: A Dictionary of …

      What is exactly a Spanish Fly? Drawbacks and Other …
        The term “Spanish fly” refers to an insect that is said to have sexually stimulating properties, which are most likely due to a toxic substance called cantharidin. Cantharidin’s …

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