At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Medical Obfuscation. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Medical Obfuscation: Structure and Function | NEJM
    Most medical communications are difficult to read. To determine why, contributions to three issues of the New England Journal of Medicine were studied, and the prose analyzed.Materials and...

The New England Journal of Medicine Downloaded …
    Title: Medical Obfuscation: Structure and Function Author: Crichton , Michael , M.D. Subject: N Engl J Med 1975.293:1257-1259 Created Date: 12/16/2008 9:24:03 AM

Medical Obfuscation: Structure and Function | Semantic …
    Medical Obfuscation: Structure and Function | Semantic Scholar. To determine why contributions to three issues of the New England Journal of Medicine were studied, …

Obfuscation Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    1 a : to throw into shadow : darken b : to make obscure obfuscate the issue officials who … continue to obscure and obfuscate what happened Mary Carroll 2 : confuse obfuscate …

Obfuscation - Wikipedia

    Obfuscation | definition of obfuscation by Medical dictionary
      ( ob'fŭs-kā'shŭn) 1. Rendering something dark or obscure. 2. A deliberate attempt to confuse or to prevent understanding. [L. ob-fusco, pp. - atus, to darken, fr. fuscus, dark, tawny] …

    ENG 285: Writing in the Health Sciences
      Medical professionals have adopted obfuscation as their form of writing and in order to allow for communication in the medical field to continue, their writing needs to …

    Obfuscation - definition of obfuscation by …
      1. To make so confused or opaque as to be difficult to perceive or understand: "A great effort was made ... to obscure or obfuscate the truth" (Robert Conquest). 2. To …

    Obfuscate | definition of obfuscate by Medical dictionary
      1. Rendering something dark or obscure. 2. A deliberate attempt to confuse or to prevent understanding. [L. ob-fusco, pp. - atus, to darken, fr. fuscus, dark, tawny] Farlex Partner …

    Political obfuscation and medical …
      In 2017 the American Medical Association (AMA) adopted ethical guidance exhorting physicians interacting with the media to “refrain from making …

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