At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Medical Revere Pedicle Screw. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

REVERE® Thoracolumbar Stabilization System | Globus …
    REVERE ® is a thoracolumbar stabilization system with a full range of polyaxial screws, rods and connectors, providing convenience and ease …

REVOLVE® Pedicle Screw System | Globus Medical
    Product Overview. REVOLVE ® is a posterior stabilization system that improves the lumbar minimally invasive surgery (MIS) procedure by …

Deformity | Globus Medical
    The REVERE® Corrective Osteotomy Set is a comprehensive set designed to enhance the efficiency of Smith-Petersen Osteotomies, Pedicle Subtraction Osteotomies,… Read …

Pedicle Screws - SpineUniverse
    Like other screws, polyaxial screws come in many sizes. Polyaxial pedicle screw length ranges from 30mm to 60mm (up to 2-1/2 inches). The diameter ranges from 5.0mm to 8.5mm (up to 1/4 inch). …

510(k) Summary: REVERE® Additional Implants
    The REVERE®9 Stabilization System, when used as a posterior pedicle screwsystem, is intended to provide immobilization and stabilization of spinalsegments in skeletally …

Pedicle Screws for Spine Fusion | Spine-health
    Pedicle screws are threaded titanium or stainless-steel implants that are fastened through the vertebral pedicles located at the back of the spinal bones. 1 Christensen FB, Dalstra …

510(k) Premarket Notification - Food and Drug …
    Device Classification Name. thoracolumbosacral pedicle screw system. 22. 510 (k) Number. K122226. Device Name. REVERE STABILIZATION SYSTEM. Applicant. …

510(K) Summary: REVERE® 6.35 Stabilization System
    to the spinous process via pedicle screws and/or lamina, pedicle or transverse process hooks. The most common use of this screw, hook, and rod system in the anterior …

    To help stabilize and support the spine, screws are placed on each side of the affected vertebrae in the part of the bone called the pedicle. Pedicles are a section of bone that …

MAUDE Adverse Event Report: GLOBUS MEDICAL, …
    It was reported that a revision surgery had taken place whereby a cross bar, two fusion rods, two ...

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