At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Medical Synonym For Unresponsive. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

63 Synonyms & Antonyms of UNRESPONSIVE
    Synonyms for UNRESPONSIVE: listless, uninterested, uncaring, lackadaisical, apathetic, disinterested, perfunctory, unemotional; Antonyms of UNRESPONSIVE: warm, enthusiastic, eager, passionate, intense, feverish, engaged, exuberant

UNRESPONSIVE Synonyms: 8 Synonyms & Antonyms …
    impassive indifferent insensible laid-back languid moony passive stoic stolid unconcerned unemotional unfeeling uninterested unmoved unresponsive untouched what the hell …

Unresponsive Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    Medical Definition unresponsive adjective un· re· spon· sive ˌən-ri-ˈspän (t)-siv : not responsive (as to a stimulus or treatment) an unresponsive ulcer unresponsiveness …

Unresponsive Definition & Meaning |
    Unresponsive is also sometimes used in a medical context to describe a patient who is unconscious or otherwise unable to respond, such as due to being severely intoxicated. …

Unresponsive synonyms, unresponsive antonyms
    Synonyms for unresponsive Roget's adj lacking responsiveness or alertness Synonyms benumbed dull insensible insensitive numb stuporous torpid wooden adj without emotion …

Unresponsiveness | definition of unresponsiveness by …
    unresponsive; unresponsive; unresponsive; unresponsive anemia; unresponsive anemia; unresponsive anemia; unresponsive anemia; Unresponsive person; mouth open & …

Unresponsive synonyms | Best 35 synonyms for …
    In this page you can discover 35 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for unresponsive, like: cool, awareness, benumbed, torpid, wooden, …

What is another word for unresponsive? - WordHippo
    Showing or having an insensitive and cruel disregard for others. Unwilling to help others or do what they ask. Desensitized or numb to any feeling, sensation or emotion. Bad …

UNRESPONSIVENESS Synonyms: 37 Synonyms
    unresponsiveness impassivity nounapathy aloofness coldness coolness detachment disinterest dispassion disregard dullness emotionlessness halfheartedness heedlessness …

What is the medical definition of "unresponsive"? - Quora
    Unresponsive is either bad or very bad, call the ambulance. With luck, the person will regain consciousness quickly, and the cause will turn out to be something minor, maybe …

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