At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Medical Term For Afraid Of Heights. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Acrophobia (Fear of Heights): Symptoms & Treatment
    Acrophobia is a mental health condition in which the individual experiences an intense fear of heights. It’s a type of anxiety disorder. A person with acrophobia experiences intense fear and anxiety when they think of tall heights or are positioned at a significant height. …

Understanding Acrophobia, or Fear of Heights - Healthline

    Acrophobia: Causes, symptoms, and treatment
      Acrophobia is an extreme fear of heights. It falls under the category of “specific phobias ,” as it is a …

    Acrophobia (Fear of Heights): Symptoms, …
      The fear of slopes and stairs, called bathmophobia, is sometimes related to acrophobia. In …

    Acrophobia - Wikipedia

      Acrophobia Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
        ac· ro· pho· bia ˌa-krə-ˈfō-bē-ə : abnormal dread of being in a high place : fear of heights acrophobe ˈa-krə-ˌfōb noun acrophobic ˌa-krə-ˈfō-bik adjective Example Sentences …

      Fear of heights | definition of Fear of heights by Medical …
        A. Fear of heights is a very common specific phobia, in psychiatric terms. Nowadays the best way of therapy is called cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT),in which a person …

      Agoraphobia - Symptoms and causes - Mayo Clinic
        Agoraphobia (ag-uh-ruh-FOE-be-uh) is a type of anxiety disorder. Agoraphobia involves fearing and avoiding places or situations that might cause panic …

      Medical Definition of Fear of heights - MedicineNet
        Medical Definition of Fear of heights. Fear of heights: An abnormal and persistent fear of heights. Sufferers experience severe anxiety even though they realize …

      Heights, fear of | definition of heights, fear of by Medical …
        A. Fear of heights is a very common specific phobia, in psychiatric terms. Nowadays the best way of therapy is called cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT),in which a person learns …

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