At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Medical Uses Of Inhalant Drugs. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Inhalants DrugFacts | National Institute on Drug …
    Products Used as Inhalants Solvents industrial or household products, including: paint thinners or removers dry-cleaning fluids gasoline lighter fluid art or office supply solvents, including: correction fluids felt-tip marker fluid electronic contact cleaners glue Aerosols household aerosol items, including: spray paints hair or deodorant sprays

Inhalants: MedlinePlus
    There are four main types of inhalants are: Solvents, which are liquids that become gas at room temperature. They include paint thinner, nail polish remover, …

How are inhalants used? | National Institute on Drug Abuse
    How are inhalants used? Inhalants can be breathed in through the nose or the mouth in a variety of ways, such as—. "sniffing" or "snorting" fumes from containers; spraying …

Substance use - inhalants: MedlinePlus Medical …
    Inhalants are used mostly by younger teens and school-age children, although adults sometimes also use them. Street names for inhalants include air blast, …

What are inhalants? | National Institute on Drug Abuse …
    As a result, precise categorization of inhalants is difficult. One classification system lists four general categories of inhalants — volatile solvents, aerosols, gases, and nitrites — …

What are the other medical consequences of inhalant …
    convulsions or seizures — from abnormal electrical discharges in the brain; coma — from the brain shutting down all but the most vital functions; choking — from inhalation of …

Inhalant Drugs: Facts, Effects, and Risks | Northridge …
    Most inhalants interact with your central nervous system, except nitrates, which dilate and relax blood vessels. Additionally, they are used for their mind-altering and …

Inhalant Abuse: Signs, Symptoms & Treatment
    There are four general categories of inhalants: volatile solvents, aerosols, gases, and nitrites. Volatile solvents Volatile solvents are liquids that vaporize at room temperature. …

List of medical inhalants - Wikipedia
    Drugs and therapeutic agents administered by inhalation Inhalational anesthetic agents. aliflurane; chloroform; cyclopropane; desflurane; diethyl ether; halothane; isoflurane; …

What are some medical uses for Inhalants? - Answers
    What are medical uses for inhalents? Inhalants are commonly used to administer drugs directly to the lungs. This limits the systemic absorption of a drug (like …

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