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Miasma Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    1 : a vaporous exhalation formerly believed to cause disease also : a heavy vaporous emanation (see emanation sense 2) or atmosphere a miasma of tobacco smoke 2 : an influence or atmosphere that tends to deplete or corrupt freed from the miasma of …

Miasma Definition & Meaning |
    miasma / ( mɪˈæzmə) / noun plural -mata (-mətə) or -mas an unwholesome or oppressive atmosphere pollution in the atmosphere, esp noxious vapours from decomposing organic …

MIASMA | definition in the Cambridge English Dictionary
    miasma noun [C] (UNPLEASANT FEELING) a very unpleasant general feeling or character of a situation or place: After he lost his job, he sank into a miasma of poverty and …

Medical Definition of Miasma - MedicineNet
    Medical Definition of Miasma Medical Editor: Charles Patrick Davis, MD, PhD Reviewed on 3/29/2021 Miasma: A poisonous vapor or mist believed to be made up …

Miasma - definition of miasma by The Free Dictionary
    n. pl. mi·as·mas or mi·as·ma·ta (-mə-tə) 1. A noxious atmosphere or influence: "The family affection, the family expectations, seemed to permeate the atmosphere ... like a coiling miasma" (Louis Auchincloss). …

Miasma theory of disease - Medical Dictionary
    miasma theory (redirected from Miasma theory of disease) Also found in: Wikipedia . mi·as·ma the·o·ry an explanation of the origin of epidemics, based on the false notion …

Medical Definition of Miasma - RxList
    Miasma: A poisonous vapor or mist believed to be made up of particles from decomposing material that could cause disease and could be identified by its foul smell. …

Miasma theory | definition of miasma theory by Medical …
    Miasma theory | definition of miasma theory by Medical dictionary TheFreeDictionary Google miasma theory Also found in: Wikipedia . mi·as·ma the·o·ry an explanation of the …

Miasma theory - Oxford Reference
    miasma theory Quick Reference A theory that had considerable currency during the 18th and 19th centuries as a way to explain the origin and propagation of some …

Definitions of miasma - OneLook Dictionary Search
    miasma: Medical dictionary [ home, info ] Miasma: Drug Medical Dictionary [ home, info ] Miscellaneous (3 matching dictionaries) Miasma, Miasma, Miasma: Terminology and …

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