At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Michigan Medical Marihuana Act Statistics. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Michigan Medical Marihuana Act Statistical Report …
    The Michigan Medical Marihuana Act Statistical Report with Program Information and Financial Data for Fiscal Year 2019 contains the reporting requirements pursuant to both MCL 333.26426 (i) (1), (2), (3), (4) and (5) and Section 505 of Public Act 60 of 2019.

Michigan Legislature - Section 333.26424
    MICHIGAN MEDICAL MARIHUANA ACT (EXCERPT) Initiated Law 1 of 2008. 333.26424 Qualifying patient or primary caregiver; arrest, prosecution, or penalty prohibited; …

Michigan Legislature - Act 281 of 2016
    The legislature finds that the necessity for access to safe sources of marihuana for medical use and the immediate need for growers, processors, secure transporters, …

Cannabis Regulatory Agency Statistical Report - Michigan
    The Cannabis Regulatory Agency will establish Michigan as the national model for a regulatory program that stimulates business growth while preserving safe consumer …

Michigan Legislature - Section 333.26427
    MICHIGAN MEDICAL MARIHUANA ACT (EXCERPT) Initiated Law 1 of 2008 333.26427 Scope of act; limitations; application of certain provisions of the revised judicature act of …

MMMP Patients & Caregivers - Michigan
    The Michigan Medical Marijuana Program (MMMP) is a state registry program within the Cannabis Regulatory Agency. The program administers the Michigan Medical …

Cannabis Regulatory Agency - Michigan
    The Cannabis Regulatory Agency will establish Michigan as the national model for a regulatory program that stimulates business growth while preserving safe consumer …

Michigan Medical Marijuana |
    Per the Michigan Medical Marihuana Act, medical marijuana patients and their designated caregivers can legally buy medical marijuana in Michigan. A person must be …

    (1) The physician has reviewed the patient's relevant medical records and completed a full assessment of the patient's medical history and current medical condition, …

Medical Marijuana - Michigan
    Except for the application fee under section 401, the regulatory assessment under section 603 and any local fees, all money collected under section 601 and all other fees, fines …

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