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Neglect | definition of neglect by Medical dictionary
    neglect. [ nĕ-glekt´] disregard of or failure to perform some task or function. unilateral neglect. 1. hemiapraxia with failure to pay attention to bodily grooming and stimuli on one side but not on the other, usually due to a lesion in the central nervous system, as after a …

Neglects | definition of neglects by Medical dictionary
    neglect [ nĕ-glekt´] disregard of or failure to perform some task or function. unilateral neglect 1. hemiapraxia with failure to pay attention to bodily grooming and stimuli on one …

Neglect Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    neglect. noun. ne· glect. : a disregard of duty resulting from carelessness, indifference, or willfulness. especially : a failure to provide a child under one's care with proper food, …

Negligence | definition of negligence by Medical dictionary
    negligence. [ neg´lĭ-jens] in law, the failure to do something that a reasonable person of ordinary prudence would do in a certain situation or the doing of something that …

Medical Negligence: The Law Explained | AllLaw
    An act or omission (failure to act) by a medical professional that deviates from the accepted medical standard of care. While medical negligence is usually the legal concept upon …

Medical negligence | definition of medical negligence by …
    medical negligence Also found in: Legal . medical negligence The action (error of commission) or lack of action (error of omission) during a medical procedure which can …

Neglect patient | definition of neglect patient by Medical …
    neglect patient. A patient with left-sided paralysis caused by damage to the right brain, where sensory signals for touch, joint position, proprioception, visceral sense, and …

Elderly neglect | definition of elderly neglect by Medical …
    elderly neglect elderly neglect The failure for a caregiver to meet the needs of a dependent elderly person, which may be intentional–eg, withholding of food, medications, failure to …

Benign neglect | definition of benign neglect by Medical …
    A stance of non-intervention that a clinician may adopt in the face of lesions and clinical conditions (e.g., verruca vulgaris) which have an uncertain or unstable …

Medical neglect | definition of medical neglect by Medical …
    medical neglect A term of art which has been defined in the UK as the failure to provide appropriate healthcare for a child (or other vulnerable person), even though one is …

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