At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about New Brunswick Medical Act. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

College of Physicians and Surgeons of New Brunswick
    83 (1) Nothing in this Act shall affect the powers and duties, tenure of office or terms of remuneration of any officer of the Society or the Medical Council of New Brunswick, or any committee or Board of Inquiry appointed before the …

SNB 1981, c 87 | Medical Act | CanLII
    An Act Respecting the New Brunswick Medical Society and the College of Physicians and Surgeons of New Brunswick (w) prescribing examinations to be written by applicants for …

Acts and Regulations - Attorney General -
    New Brunswick Acts and Regulations are officially published on-line. Legal advice, legal research and legal interpretation are not provided. For assistance, you may …

College of Physicians and Surgeons of New Brunswick
    Home Medical Act, Regulations and Guidelines Regulations A A A Regulations Regulation #1: General Regulation with Respect to the Business and Affairs of the College …

RSNB 1973, c M-7 | Medical Services Payment Act | CanLII
    “oral and maxillofacial surgeon” means a dental practitioner whose name is entered in the specialists register and who is the holder of a specialist’s licence in oral …

PLEIS-NB • Public Legal Education and Information Service of …
    The new Act adds significant detail to the requirements and structure for enduring powers of attorney in New Brunswick. If properly executed, an Advanced Health …

Access to Personal Health Information -
    The new Act is helpful because it means that people have a clear right to get access to their own personal health information and must be treated fairly when making a …

New Brunswick Health Council Act | New Brunswick Health …
    The NBHC was created by legislation in 2008 to report publicly on the performance of the provincial health system and to engage citizens in the improvement of health …

Physicians’ Guide to Direct Billing
    Medicare System under the Medical Services Payment Act. Examples include: regular members of the Canadian Armed Forces; persons serving a term of imprisonment in a …

Medical errors law will allow patients to get answers
    The New Brunswick Medical Society says it should be a positive force for change, once the Department of Health finalizes the regulations that will allow the Act to be enforced. "When an...

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