At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Old Timey Medical Remedies. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

30 Strange Old-Timey Medical Treatments | Mental Floss
    3. Take Care of Heart Palpitations with a Vinegar-Soaked Rag For heart palpitations, Wesley's treatments included “drink a pint of cold water,” “apply outwardly a Rag dipt In vinegar,” and “be...

8 old-fashioned medical remedies that are still being used

    30+ Old-Time Home Remedies That Work - Reader's …

      A Look Back At Old-Time Medicine - WebMD
        But they were lining up to buy Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, one of the most popular women's remedies of the time. Plenty of other patent medicines …

      Old-Time Home Remedies We Need to Bring Back | The …
        Saltwater for a sore throat. Salt doesn’t just make food taste good—it’s …

      5 Old-Timey Medical Treatments That Actually Work
        Genital Massage Victorian doctors often prescribed “medical massages” for women suffering “hysteria.” For symptoms like fever, racing pulse, flushed skin, and abdominal …

      7 Old-Fashioned “Grandma Approved” …
        1. Honey The first recorded use of honey as a medicinal treatment was 3,000 years ago in Egypt. Since then, honey has been found to: Improve digestion – Use a tablespoon …

      Old Time Cures & Remedies – Legends of …
        Lay on sterile gauze or boiled cloth. Add a pinch of baking soda (1/4 tsp). Mix with soaked bread, wrap in gauze and apply to the affected area. Applying meat …

      These 12 Old Fashioned Home Remedies …
        2) Buttermilk Via/ Library of Congress The old-fashioned cure for a sunburn? Have a soak in some buttermilk. In more recent times it has been the tradition of many families to …

      10 Old-Timey Medicines That Got People High
        A 26-year-old woman supposedly spent $2,300 on the drug over the course of five years—a staggering sum at the time—and even went without shoes to afford her …

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