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Olecranon Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    Medical Definition olecranon noun olec· ra· non ō-ˈlek-rə-ˌnän : the large process of the ulna that projects behind the elbow, forms the bony prominence of the elbow, and receives the insertion of the triceps muscle More from Merriam-Webster on olecranon …

Olecranon process | definition of olecranon process by …
    process (pros'es?) [L. processus, going forwards, an advance] 1. A method of action. 2. The state of progress of a disease. 3. A projection or outgrowth of bone or tissue. 4. A series …

Elbow (Olecranon) Fractures - OrthoInfo - AAOS
    An olecranon (oh-LEK-rah-nun) fracture is a break in the bony tip of the elbow. This pointy segment of bone is part of the ulna, one of the three bones that come together to form the elbow joint. The …

Olecranon Fracture (Elbow Fracture) | Johns Hopkins …
    An olecranon fracture is a break in the “pointy bone” of your elbow that sticks out when you bend your arm, which is actually the end of the ulna. This type of fracture is …

Olecranon | definition of olecranon by Medical dictionary
    o·lec·ra·non ( ō-lek'ră-non, ō'lē-krā'non ), [TA] The prominent curved proximal extremity of the ulna, the upper and posterior surface of which gives attachment to the tendon of the …

Medical Definition of Olecranon - MedicineNet
    Olecranon: The bony tip of the elbow. The olecranon is the near end of the ulna, the bone in the forearm, and it forms the pointed portion of the elbow. The triceps …

Olecranon - definition of olecranon by The Free Dictionary
    olecranon o·lec·ra·non (ō-lĕk′rə-nŏn′) n. The large process on the upper end of the ulna that projects behind the elbow joint and forms the point of the elbow. [Greek ōlekrānon : …

Olecranon process - definition of olecranon process by …
    Noun. 1. olecranon process - process of the ulna that forms the outer bump of the elbow and fits into the fossa of the humerus when the arm is extended. olecranon. …

Olecranon process | Article about olecranon process by …
    olecranon [ ō′lek·rə‚nän] (anatomy) The large process at the distal end of the ulna that forms the bony prominence of the elbow and receives the insertion of the triceps muscle. …

What is the definition of Olecranon? |
    Tip of the elbow; the prominent curved upper extremity of the ulna, the upper and posterior surface of which gives attachment to the tendon of the triceps muscle, the anterior …

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