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Palindromic Definition & Meaning | Merriam-Webster …
    palindromic adjective pal· in· dro· mic ˌpal-ən-ˈdrō-mik 1 : recurrent palindromic rheumatism 2 : of, relating to, or consisting of a double-stranded sequence of DNA in which the order of the nucleotides is the same on each side but running in opposite directions …

Palindromic | definition of palindromic by Medical dictionary
    Palindromic rheumatism is an uncommon condition characterized by irregular, recurrent episodes of mostly oligoarticular arthritis with peri- and para-articular …

Palindromia | definition of palindromia by Medical dictionary
    palindromia palindromia [ pal″in-dro´me-ah] a recurrence or relapse. adj., adj palindrom´ic. Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, and Allied Health, …

Palindrome | definition of palindrome by Medical dictionary
    pal·in·drome. ( pal'in-drōm ), In molecular biology, a self-complementary nucleic acid sequence; a sequence identical to its complementary strand, if both are "read" in …

Palindromic rheumatism | definition of palindromic
    popular but indefinite term for any of a variety of disorders marked by inflammation, degeneration, or metabolic derangement of connective tissue structures (especially joints …

Palindromes | definition of Palindromes by Medical …
    pal·in·drome. ( pal'in-drōm ), In molecular biology, a self-complementary nucleic acid sequence; a sequence identical to its complementary strand, if both are "read" in the …

Palindrome Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    palindrome noun pal· in· drome ˈpal-ən-ˌdrōm : a word, phrase, or sentence (as "Step on no pets") or a number (as 1881) that reads the same backward or forward Medical …

Palindromic sequence | definition of Palindromic
    pal·in·drome. ( pal'in-drōm ), In molecular biology, a self-complementary nucleic acid sequence; a sequence identical to its complementary strand, if both are "read" in the …

Palindromic - definition of palindromic by The Free …
    1. A word, phrase, verse, or sentence that reads the same backward or forward. For example: A man, a plan, a canal, Panama! 2. A segment of double-stranded DNA in …

palindromic - Medical Dictionary
    palindromic Popular Medical Dictionary Searches: Ibuprofen Aspirin Dementia Breast Cancer Fibrosis Headache Mesothelioma Migraine Medical Dictionary is a free resource …

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