At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Palm Pdas For Medical Professionals. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Personal digital assistants in health care: experienced
    Palm pilots and other hand-held computers are also increasingly popular among medical students. PDAs can be used for medical student education and physician training, daily clinical practice, and research. PDAs and their increasing …

Best Medical PDA - StudentDoc
    Best Physician PDA: HP IPAQ Pocket PC (HX2495B) For those who prefer a PDA which runs on a Windows OS, this HP IPAQ may be a better option. This model …

The power of PDAs - Today's Hospitalist
    The product is free for qualified physicians, nurses and other health care professionals. Available for Palm and Pocket PC devices. Reference Hospitalists interviewed for this …

Evidence in the Palm of Your Hand: Using PDAs to …
    PDAs have the potential to serve as an optimally-mobile "evidence cart". Commonly used medical applications for PDAs include textbooks, rules and calculators, pharmacopoeias as well as scheduling and patient tracking …

Personal Digital Assistant Use - Medscape
    For APNs and other health professionals, using a PDA with medical software is touted as a sophisticated way to manage personal information while having a …

Personal Digital Assistant Use - Medscape
    PDA Basics All PDAs have some common features. They are handheld devices, roughly the size of a deck of cards, powered by either rechargeable or alkaline …

The Best Free PDA Apps - Palmdoc
    Palm and PPC. Haemoncrules – my very own of course dt-MMSE : Mental State Examination MenStat – another MMSE guide Pedi-dose – calculation of pediatric drug …

Why are doctors using PDAs? | HowStuffWorks
    If doctors and nurses use PDAs, however, they can carry with them large tomes of medical reference which they can access on the spot. This allows them to make quicker decisions regarding diagnoses …

Palm Pilot: Everything You Need to Know - History-Computer
    The PDAs featured 128 kilobytes of RAM, a 16 MHz processor, and a monochrome touchscreen. Between 1998 and 2000, the Palm Pilot Personal and …

Palm (PDA) - Wikipedia
    Palm was a line of personal digital assistants (PDAs) and mobile phones developed by California-based Palm, Inc., originally called Palm Computing, Inc. Palm devices are often remembered as "the first wildly popular …

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