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Palpate | definition of palpate by Medical dictionary
    ( pal'pāt ), To examine by feeling and pressing with the palms of the hands and the fingers. Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012 palpate 1 (păl′pāt′) tr.v. pal·pated, pal·pating, pal·pates To examine or explore by touching (an organ or area of the body), …

Palpation Definition & Meaning | Merriam-Webster Medical
    palpation noun pal· pa· tion pal-ˈpā-shən 1 : an act of touching or feeling 2 : physical examination in medical diagnosis by pressure of the hand or fingers to the surface of the …

Palpate Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    Palpate has been part of the English language since the 19th century. It was probably coined from the preexisting noun form palpation, which itself traces back to the Latin …

Palpation | definition of palpation by Medical dictionary
    pal·pa·tion ( pal-pā'shŭn ), Do not confuse this word with palpitation. 1. Examination with the hands, feeling for organs, masses, or infiltration of a part of the body, feeling …

Palpate Definition & Meaning |
    1 [ pal-peyt ] SHOW IPA See synonyms for: palpate / palpation on verb (used with object), pal·pat·ed, pal·pat·ing. to examine by touch, …

Palpated | definition of palpated by Medical dictionary
    palpate 1 (păl′pāt′) tr.v. pal·pated, pal·pating, pal·pates To examine or explore by touching (an organ or area of the body), usually as a diagnostic aid. pal·pa′tion n. pal′pa′tor n. …

Palpitation | definition of palpitation by Medical dictionary
    pal·pi·ta·tion ( pal'pi-tā'shŭn) Forcible or irregular pulsation of the heart, perceptible to the patient, usually with an increase in frequency or force, with or without irregularity in …

Palpations | definition of palpations by Medical dictionary
    palpate 1 (păl′pāt′) tr.v. pal·pated, pal·pating, pal·pates To examine or explore by touching (an organ or area of the body), usually as a diagnostic aid. pal·pa′tion n. pal′pa′tor n. …

Medical Definition of Palpate
    MedTerms online medical dictionary provides quick access to hard-to-spell and often misspelled medical definitions through an extensive alphabetical listing. …

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