At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Paraplegic Medical Doctor. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Spinal cord injury - Diagnosis and treatment - Mayo Clinic
    In the emergency room, a doctor may be able to rule out a spinal cord injury by examination, testing for sensory function and movement, and by asking some questions about the accident. But if the injured person complains of neck pain, isn't fully awake, or has obvious signs of weakness or neurological injury, em… See more

Spinal Cord Injury | National Institute of Neurological …
    The rehabilitation team is usually led by a doctor specializing in physical medicine and rehabilitation (physiatrist) and often includes social workers, physical and …

Paraplegia: Definition, Causes, Treatment, …
    Paraplegia is a type of paralysis that affects your ability to move the lower half of your body. It occurs …

Living with Paraplegia: Cures, Therapies, …
    To accurately diagnose the type of paraplegia a person is experiencing and its cause, a doctor will typically perform an in-depth examination. These examinations are necessary …

Brain and Spinal Cord Injury Physician Directory
    Any provider who calls himself a doctor, as well as any provider licensed in another specialty, such as clinical social work, must meet stringent educational and clinical …

The Greatest Lessons I’ve Learned as a …
    4) Doctors and patients similarly bemoan our healthcare’s many problems, and they quickly blame one another for its shortcomings. The hardest task is the same …

Doctors Who Treat Spinal Cord Injuries | Brain & Spine Center
    The spine team at the Weill Cornell Brain and Spine Center — expert spine surgeons along with their team of physicians, nurses, physical therapists, and pain management …

Can a paraplegic become a physician and practice …
    Not only can you practice medicine as a paraplegic but there are also some quadriplegic doctors practicing. Not too long ago a Sri Lankan born Australian, Dinesh Palipana …

Need help finding Doctor who specializes in paraplegic …
    Paraplegia Symptoms & Diagnosis Treatments News & Opinion Community & Groups Create a Group Get the conversation going by starting a group Paraplegia …

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