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Parietal | definition of parietal by Medical dictionary
    parietal (pə-rī′ĭ-təl) adj. 1. Relating to or forming the wall of a body part, organ, or cavity. 2. Of or relating to either of the parietal bones. 3. Botany Borne on the inside of the ovary …

Parietal Definition & Meaning |
    parietal / ( pəˈraɪɪtəl) / adjective anatomy biology of, relating to, or forming the walls or part of the walls of a bodily cavity or similar structurethe parietal bones of the skull of or …

All about the parietal lobe - Medical News Today
    The parietal lobe is one of the major lobes in the brain, roughly located at the upper back area in the skull. It processes sensory information it receives from the …

Parietal lobe Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    parietal lobe noun : the middle division of each cerebral hemisphere that is situated behind the central sulcus, above the sylvian fissure, and in front of the parieto …

Medical Definition of Parietal - MedicineNet
    Parietal: Adjective from the Latin "parietalis" meaning "belonging to the wall" that the ancient anatomists used to designate the wall, as of a body cavity. …

Peritoneum: Anatomy, Function, Location & Definition
    Your peritoneum is a membrane, a sheet of smooth tissue that lines your abdominopelvic cavity and surrounds your abdominal organs. It pads and insulates …

Parietal - definition of parietal by The Free Dictionary
    pa•ri•e•tal (pəˈraɪ ɪ tl) adj. 1. pertaining to the wall of an organ or cavity. 2. pertaining to or situated near the parietal bones of the skull. 3. proceeding or arising from a wall, as …

Parietal peritoneum | definition of parietal peritoneum by …
    pa·ri·e·tal per·i·to·ne·um [TA] the layer of peritoneum lining the abdominal walls. Synonym (s): peritoneum parietale [TA] Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012 parietal …

Parietal Lobe: Definition, Functions, …
    Parietal Lobe: Definition, Functions, and Location By Olivia Guy-Evans, published April 13, 2021 Fact checked by Saul Mcleod, PhD Where is the Parietal Lobe …

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