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Paring Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    par· ing ˈpa (ə)r-iŋ, ˈpe (ə)r- 1 : the act of cutting away an edge or surface 2 : something pared off More from Merriam-Webster on paring Thesaurus: All synonyms and antonyms for paring Nglish: Translation of paring for Spanish Speakers Britannica English: …

Paring | definition of paring by Medical dictionary
    Paré [ pah-ra´] Ambroise (1510–1590). French surgeon. As an army surgeon treating gunshot wounds, Paré discontinued the application of boiling oils as was customary at …

What is Paring or Cutting of Benign Hyperkeratotic Lesion
    Definition & Overview. Paring or cutting of benign hyperkeratotic lesions, such as corn or callus, is the primary treatment or removal method for skin defects caused by the …

Pare Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    Kids Definition pare verb ˈpa (ə)r ˈpe (ə)r pared; paring 1 : to trim off the outside or the ends of 2 : to reduce as if by paring More from Merriam-Webster on Last Updated: 16 …

Paring Definition & Meaning |
    noun the act of a person or thing that pares. a piece or part pared off: apple parings. QUIZ Smoothly step over to these common grammar mistakes that trip many people up. Good …

Paring - definition of paring by The Free Dictionary
    Noun. 1. paring - a thin fragment or slice (especially of wood) that has been shaved from something. shaving, sliver. fragment - a piece broken off or cut off of something …

Parring | definition of parring by Medical dictionary
    par ( par ), A pair; specifically a pair of cranial nerves, for example, par nonum, ninth pair, glossopharyngeal, or par vagum, the vagus or tenth pair. [L. equal] Farlex Partner …

Pairing | definition of pairing by Medical dictionary
    pairing. A method that may be used in a clinical study in which subjects are selected so that two with similar characteristics—e.g., weight, smoking habits, etc.—are …

Base pair Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    noun. plural base pairs. : one of the pairs of nucleotide bases on complementary strands of nucleic acid that consist of a purine on one strand …

Sparing | definition of sparing by Medical dictionary
    sparing. 1. The use of one medicine in place of another, usually to prevent side effects from high doses of the first medicine (e.g., steroid-sparing). 2. Protective; said of …

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