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Partition | definition of partition by Medical dictionary
    part a division of a larger structure. mastoid part of temporal bone the posterior portion of the petrous (or petromastoid) part. Called also mastoid bone. petromastoid part of temporal bone see petrous part of temporal bone. petrous part of temporal bone the part of the …

Partition Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    partition: [noun] the action of parting : the state of being parted : division.

Partition Definition & Meaning |
    Partition definition, a division into or distribution in portions or shares. See more.

Septum | definition of septum by Medical dictionary
    septum [sep´tum] (L.) 1. a wall or partition dividing a body space or cavity. Some are membranous, some are osseous, and some are cartilaginous; each is named according …

Partition coefficient Definition & Meaning | Merriam …
    noun. : the ratio of the amounts of a substance distributed between two immiscible phases (as two liquids or a stationary and a mobile phase in …

Partition - definition of partition by The Free Dictionary
    partition. ( pɑːˈtɪʃən) n. 1. a division into parts; separation. 2. something that separates, such as a large screen dividing a room in two. 3. a part or share. 4. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) a division of a country into two or …

Partition chromatography Definition & Meaning | Merriam …
    noun. : a process for the separation of mixtures in columns or on filter paper based on partition of a solute between two solvents one of which is immobilized by the …

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