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Pastille Definition & Meaning |
    pastille pastil / ( ˈpæstɪl) / noun a small flavoured or medicated lozenge for chewing an aromatic substance burnt to fumigate the air med a small coated paper disc formerly used to estimate the dose or intensity of radiation (esp of X-rays): it changes colour when …

Pastille - Wikipedia

    Pastille | definition of pastille by Medical dictionary
      n. 1. A small medicated or flavored tablet; a troche. 2. A tablet containing aromatic substances that is burned to fumigate or deodorize the air. 3. A pastel paste or crayon. …

    Pastilles | definition of Pastilles by Medical dictionary
      pastil (păs′tĭl) n. 1. A small medicated or flavored tablet; a troche. 2. A tablet containing aromatic substances that is burned to fumigate or deodorize the air. 3. A pastel paste or …

    Pastille Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
      pastille noun pas· tille pa-ˈstēl variants or less commonly pastil ˈpa-stᵊl Synonyms of pastille 1 : a small mass of aromatic paste for fumigating or scenting the air of a room 2 : …

    Pastille - definition of pastille by The Free Dictionary
      ( ˈpæstɪl) or pastil n 1. (Cookery) a small flavoured or medicated lozenge for chewing 2. (Elements & Compounds) an aromatic substance burnt to fumigate the air 3. …

    Definitions of pastille - OneLook Dictionary Search
      Definitions of pastille - OneLook Dictionary Search Jump to: General, Art, Business, Computing, Medicine, Miscellaneous, Religion, Science, Slang, Sports, Tech, Phrases …

    Pastille | Article about pastille by The Free Dictionary
      pastille , pastil 1. an aromatic substance burnt to fumigate the air 2. Med a small coated paper disc formerly used to estimate the dose or intensity of radiation (esp of X-rays): it …

    What is the definition of Pastille? |
      By Oddity Software A small cone or mass made of paste of gum, benzoin, cinnamon, and other aromatics, - used for fumigating or scenting the air of a room. 1913 - Webster's …

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